About Us

Memberships & Affiliations

We are proud to be affiliated with a number of high quality organizations, either as a firm or through one or more of our professional staff. These associations help us build our knowledge, stay current on recent technical and industry developments, and build important networks of professional advisors, on behalf of our clients.

The UHNW Institute

The UHNW Institute is an ultra-high-net-worth and family office education initiative. It operates as a non-profit, independent ‘think tank’, publishing and curating exceptional thought leadership content relating to UHNW families, family offices, their advisors and the industry. The founders and advisory board members are a group of industry veterans, senior operating executives and thought leaders, who have joined forces together with the Family Wealth Report for the benefit of the industry and the clients they serve.

Tom McCullough is on the Advisory Board.

The Family Firm Institute (FFI)

The UHNW Institute is an ultra-high-net-worth and family office education initiative. It operates as a non-profit, independent ‘think tank’, publishing and curating exceptional thought leadership content relating to UHNW families, family offices, their advisors and the industry. The founders and advisory board members are a group of industry veterans, senior operating executives and thought leaders, who have joined forces together with the Family Wealth Report for the benefit of the industry and the clients they serve.

Tom McCullough is on the Advisory Board.

The Journal of Wealth Management (JWM)

The Journal of Wealth Management is a quarterly journal that provides original research and practical analysis on the preservation and growth of the assets of high-net-worth investors and family offices.

Tom McCullough is a member of the JWM Editorial Board.

Richard Ivey School of Business

The Richard Ivey School of Business at Western University one of the leading business schools in Canada and internationally.

Tom McCullough is an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Ivey.

Rotman School of Management

The Rotman School of Management is the business school of the University of Toronto, Canada’s leading research and teaching university. Tom McCullough is an adjunct professor at Rotman, and Scott Hayman, Eric Weir, Scott Dickenson, Lorn Kutner and Andrew Jeffery are guest lecturers.

The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) Canada

STEP is the leading international organization for trust and estate professionals. Members hold the internationally recognized Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) designation.

Scott Hayman and Tom McCullough are members of STEP Canada.

Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC)

FPSC is a not-for-profit standards-setting and certification body that develops, promotes and enforces professional standards in financial planning through CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® (CFP®) certification — the gold standard for financial planning in Canada. FPSC’s purpose is to instill confidence in the financial planning profession.

Multiple members of the firm are CFP practitioners.

Toronto CFA Society

Toronto CFA Society is a not-for-profit organization supporting professional development and advancement of CFA® charterholders.

Multiple members of the firm are members of the Toronto CFA Society.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO)

The ICAO is the regulatory body of Ontario’s Chartered Accountants. It protects the public interest through the CA profession’s high standards of qualification and the enforcement of its rules of professional conduct.

Multiple members of the firm are members of the ICAO.

The Wigmore Association

Wigmore is an innovative collaboration of eight leading family offices from across North America, Latin America, Europe, and Australasia. The group is composed of the Chief Executive Officers and Chief Investment Officers of each of the family offices and shares investment manager research, global investment perspectives and best practices for serving wealthy families. The group meets on a semi-annual basis around the globe.

Read the White Paper on the Group

Northwood is a founding member of the Wigmore Association.

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We are a professional, boutique firm that specializes in serving the needs of families of wealth with a personal touch. We’d love to start a conversation.